Vibrant Economy
I believe that vibrant economy is more than just money. A vibrant economy supports a mix of economic activities and promotes economic security by enabling:
- access to living-wage employment and economic opportunities
- participation in the labor market for all members of society
- access to basic necessities, including safe and affordable housing, healthy food, education, and social and recreational opportunities
I believe a vibrant economy is one which realizes the shared potential of businesses, people and communities across the city. It is an economy founded on trust and integrity in markets, one which unlocks sustainable growth in dynamic organizations and creates environments in which people, communities and business can thrive. How can we achieve it? We began our work on this by exploring the health, happiness and prosperity of people in districts and cities across Phoenix.
I believe each place is unique with strengths to be celebrated and built upon. Economic prosperity doesn’t inevitably correlate with positive outcomes in other crucial areas. Area which shows high levels of dynamism and opportunity, faces some challenges when it comes to a sense of community, trust and belonging.
I support a more progressive tax structure to provide more services and reduce economic inequality by making sure that the wealthiest Americans pay the highest amount in taxes. I also support more government spending on social services while spending less on the military.
Small businesses need to be given more support by Council. There are a lot of subcontractors in the valley who rely on Council work to survive. If Council doesn’t spread the work load then it is only an advantage to a small number and decreases the opportunity for businesses to survive or take on apprentices.
No one agent can provide solutions. It requires our collective talent and ingenuity as citizens, communities and businesses. The diversity of thought across the city is illustrated through the unique ideas generated in the district 7 I consulted. There is a huge willingness for communities to work together, to share, achieve and have their say. By detailing some of these ideas, we encourage others to get together and re-imagine how things can be done.