Dr. Embaye for District 7 Phoenix City Council
My name is Dr. Fesshaye Embaye. I’m running for city council to bring diversity and a new fresh voice to our city council and shape the future of our community for all families.

Phoenix, District 7 is a special place to live, work, and raise a family. I have the experience, problem-solving skills, and vision to give our city a bright future.
As immigrant, and outsider, I have tested, experienced and lived in all type of racism, sexism and all forms of discriminations to give me a rich prospective of humanity that sees community as one family. As a volunteer and activist for our schools and community, in several cities I have lived, I’ve brought people together to find solutions and get things done.
On city council, I will be an advocate for our entire city with the highest standard of integrity, demanding safety, Sensible healthcare, equality in all its forms, diversified economy, superior education opportunity for all, solution to Unemployment and poverty, and homelessness, especially mentally charged homeless people, transparency and results.
Public safety and sensible health care for all must be our top priority, as without safety, and healthy community nothing can be done. I’ll use my experience to strengthen relationships with law enforcement and various communities by establishing environment of trust and ensure they have the resources necessary to prevent crime and all communities receive the service they need and deserve and reach the ultimate goal as one family by eradicating poverty and comprehensive solution to chronic homelessness.
And I’ll be a trustworthy steward of public funds, improving programs while respecting budget limitations. I’ll protect infrastructure investments by planning ahead for future maintenance of the train station, and streets, preventing costly early replacement and saving taxpayer dollars.
As pro-business, with over 30 years experience, I will advocate for small businesses, I understand what it takes to create jobs and grow our economy. I’ll bring ideas for creative economic development, lead efforts for a solid master plan to attract investments to make our city a greater destination.
Please visit electembaye.com. We can make Phoenix even better. I’d be honored to earn your vote.
Dr. Fesshaye Embaye
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
My priorities are dictated by the citizens of district 7. If elected I will work for you, the people, of district 7.
- Equality
- Economy
- Environment